A DROP-IN session is being held next week to generate ideas for the £600,000 facelift of a Malvern Link estate.

Duke of Edinburgh Way is to be turned into a "home zone", an area where street furniture such as planters, trees and play areas slow traffic down, allowing children, cyclists and pedestrians more space.

The project is being led by residents. Co-ordinator Rachel Hammond, from Worcestershire County Council, is holding the planning session in the Alexander Gardens' Lounge from 3pm to 7pm on Thursday, July 25.

"We want the community to be the driving force behind this project," said Miss Hammond.

She said the design would be completely shaped by a steering group, which will consist entirely of residents. No councillors will be allowed on the group, to prevent the project becoming politicised, but it will work in consultation with organisations including councils, police and those working with disabled and young people.

Miss Hammond hopes the community will take ownership of their street and look after it. Through the scheme, current problems such as traffic, insufficient play equipment - and consequent vandalism by bored children - will be addressed and resolved.

Following the drop-in session, leaflets will be distributed to householders about the project and regular newsletters will provide an update on progress and community events. The next community consultation will be combined with a fun day in September, when opinions and thoughts about the estate and the proposed changes will be recorded. Planners hope to complete the project by early-mid 2004.

Malvern Link county councillor Beryl Hickling said: "As long as we have full consultation with the people who live here and develop as they would wish, it can only benefit them and enhance their lives," she said.

Miss Hammond can be contacted on 01905 768207 or hammondr@halcrow.com.