THE ginger wigs said it all. There was no mistaking who the crowd expected to be evicted from the Big Brother house last night - and they were not disappointed.

A queue of fanatical fans carrying banners which screamed phrases such as "Tim, go back to your roots" to "Spank me with your hanky" and "Ginger whinger out - comprende?" snaked around the Elstree studio, Borehamwood, in north London.

There was no doubt in their minds that toff Tim Culley from Worcestershire was not going to make it into the final week - and be in line for the £70,000 prize.

The moment host Davina McCall broke the news that Tim would be evicted, a chorus of cheers engulfed the film studio, which is famous for such shows as On the Buses and The Avengers.

"He has to go as he has cheated and lied to the other housemates," said natural redhead Sue Hendry, who was in the crowd.

"I can't believe he tried to cover up the fact he's ginger as that's something to be proud of - after all it hasn't done Chris Evans' career any harm.

"It was also very funny watching him trying to shave off his chest hair under the sheets - did he think Big Brother wasn't watching?"

About half-an-hour before eviction time the baying crowds were allowed near the steps of the space-age-style house.

The building has the presence of a prison as the garden lights remain on all night, and tough-guy security guards patrol its periphery on the look-out for anyone trying to break-in - or out!

Despite hours of queuing, the crowd only got a quick glimpse of Tim coming down the steps before he was whisked off for his TV chat to Davina as the sun set on his time in the house.

He then spent an hour with a psychotherapist who had the job of preparing him to face the public after his time in the Big Brother bubble.

Tim arrived at the Press conference looking relieved and relaxed and even managed to laugh at a cartoon of himself drawn on a T-shirt worn by Radio 1's BB Aled.

He answered all his questions with good humour, and despite his obvious vanity, was far more amiable than his magnified Big Brother image.

Twenty minutes later, he left the safety of the studio to face the real world...

Tim's highs...

Winning a mini quiz which allowed him a 40-second chat with his mum - making him the first Big Brother contestant to ever have contact with the outside world.

Being the only contestant to win a place on the rich side for a week and spending £100 on a magazine.

As the successful stand-by to replace Scotsman Sandy, who escaped from the house.

Shouting in the diary room: "I've got contact lenses, I can't see, comprende?"

...and lows

Seen sobbing after he thought his girlfriend, Johanna Dahl, had dumped him as she was missing from a family video.

Trying to conceal the fact he shaved off his chest hair.

Hiding a bottle of Black Tower wine from the other housemates

Psychotherapists worked out he spent 20 minutes longer doing his hair than any other housemate.

Seen sobbing after he thought his girlfriend, Johanna Dahl, had dumped him as she was missing from a family video.

Trying to conceal the fact he shaved off his chest hair.

Hiding a bottle of Black Tower wine from the other housemates

Psychotherapists worked out he spent 20 minutes longer doing his hair than any other housemate.

What they said

"When I talk he doesn't listen" - Jade

"Dull" - Jonny and Kate

"Comprende? Who says that these days?" - comedian Graham Norton

"Watching Tim has been fascinating, but I think enjoy is the wrong word. It is the fact we have no reply, and can't say, 'Tim you're making a fool of

yourself,' which is very frustrating." - dad Neil Culley

"Tim's remarks are worrying in the current climate of increased racial tension" - Mohammed Aslam, chief executive of Worcestershire Racial Equality

Council, on a perceived racist joke

"His eviction should be met with total silence" - Radio 1 DJ Chris Moyles said the telly toff was boring and claimed that if he won, he would spend the money on hair products