A DREAM to get hitched in Bromyard has come true for a couple who have waited more than two decades.

Caravanners Vera Clarke and John Cartwright, who live in Birmingham, spend all their spare time in their static van in the town and were due to tie the knot at a special ceremony today.

The couple, who have been together for 22 years, decided to become husband and wife when they heard there was a registrar that would marry them in their beloved town.

"John started making plans as soon as he heard the news and told me we were getting married rather than asking," said 60-year-old Vera, who works as a lollipop lady.

"But I didn't mind as the time felt right and Bromyard has happy childhood memories for John, as his family were hop pickers so it will be wonderful for us to get married there.

"The best thing about doing this later in life is that your children, grand-children and friends can join you to make it a bigger celebration," she said.

John, aged 64, a toolsetter at an engineering company, first met Vera when he moved next door to her mother in Great Barr, Birmingham.

He then started to take Vera on caravan holidays to Meadows Farm, in Bromyard, where they enjoyed "peaceful walks through the beautiful countryside".

"I started to love Bromyard as much as John, especially the slower pace of life compared to life in the city and the friendlier people," said Vera.

Family and friends were due to join the happy couple for a three-course meal at The Royal Oak before they leave for a holiday - in Scotland.

"This will be the first time we have ever been anywhere other than Bromyard for a holiday. But we're planning to make the town our home," said Vera.