A SHOPLIFTER who stole more than £200 of goods from shops in Worcester to feed his heroin habit could be spared jail - as long as he moves to Blackpool.

Justin Bennett's bizarre haul included four pairs of sunglasses, a culinary blow torch, a pair of jeans, razor blades, baby clothes and books from city centre shops between January and June this year.

In each case he had been spotted stealing and, after being arrested, had confessed, Kiernan Cunningham, prosecuting, told Worcester Magistrates yesterday.

Mark Shewerd, defending, said Bennett's "unsophisticated" crimes fed his five-year heroin addiction.

"While he has been in custody he has remained drug-free," he said.

"If you can stop the drugs, you will stop the crimes."

Mr Shewerd said Bennett's best chance of staying off drugs was to leave his address at Teme Road in Tolladine, Worcester, and live with his parents in Blackpool's South Shore, where he would be away from his drugs contacts.

"This is the first time I have been completely drug free," said Bennett, aged 29, a former district superviser for a security company.

"I have got myself back after my time in custody," said the defendant.

Magistrates decided the thefts should be dealt with at Worcester Crown Court on Friday, August 23, when Bennett is due to answer a charge of breaching his community rehabilitation order.

He was bailed - on the condition he stayed with his parents in Blackpool.