IN a letter (Friday July 13) Mr Foster, the MP for Worcester, urges us all to unite in supporting a new funding formula that would freeze the discrimination against Worcestershire in the distribution of money from central government for our schools.

Of the four options on offer from the Government, two would reduce our share, one leave it unchanged and one increase it only modestly.

I have, of course, already written to the Education Secretary to say that, of the four, the one that is the "least worst" is the best - but that it is not the right solution for Worcestershire.

Under successive governments - Conservative and Labour - Worcestershire has had a rotten deal. What the Government now proposes is a one-in-four chance to make the deal slightly less rotten - but still rotten.

I believe we must indeed unite - to reject all four options and to urge the Government to return to the drawing board. Our schools, their pupils and parents deserve no less.


MP for Mid-Worcestershire,

House of Commons.