WHILE agreeing that the Diglis area needs to be enhanced and be a pleasant area for Worcester people and boat-owners, we feel 550 dwellings are far too many.

We also feel that the proposed high-rise blocks would be an eyesore, obliterating the view of the Malvern Hills for the people living on the east side of Worcester, spoiling the value of housing on the Bath Road area.

Surely two-storey flats would be more practical, though not, of course, more gainful for the developers.

The traffic, morning and evening, pouring in and out of Diglis would cause chaos in Sidbury and at St Peter's roundabout.

Have the developers really thought about the pressures that sewerage and water would have on the Cherry Orchard area, to say nothing of the problems facing the boat-owners?

Boats now on the quayside would be moored on pontoons, giving no access to servicing boats or loading boats, especially as there would be no close-by car parking accessible to the owners (according to the plans).

If the plan was to build a marina, there would surely be more consideration for the boatowners.

The plans seem to be of a tightly-packed housing estate, and this is not what we need.

Once these high-storey buildings are up, it will be too late to make Diglis into a pleasing recreational area which it could be.


Bath Road,
