THE contestant who was supposed to bring a touch of class to Channel 4's Big Brother has been exposed in a "sex-shame video".

Worcestershire's Tim Culley boasted in his audition he was "stylish, well-educated and intelligent".

But now the 23-year-old former Malvern College pupil has continued to make headlines even after being booted out of the house on Friday.

Tim - whose father Neil runs the Swan Hotel in Upton-upon-Severn - was exposed in yesterday's News of the World in a lurid video he had allegedly made himself.

The newspaper claims the video, which includes Tim and an anonymous blonde stripper, who the paper is now trying to track down, came to light when the self-styled "toff" sold an old camcorder to a local camera shop.

Astonishingly, he also sold some "old" cassettes with the equipment, according to the Sunday tabloid, forgetting to erase the vital footage.

The sleazy video, reportedly made before Tim started going out with his Swedish girlfriend Johanna, includes the stripper covering herself in baby oil and performing a strip show. Tim then asked her to perform a sex act on him for £20. She refused.

The newspaper alleges the finance graduate, who continually made himself unpopular with viewers and housemates in the fly-on-the-wall TV programme, made the video without the stripper knowing.

A spokesman for the programme said producers had not known about the tape.

"Ever since he first appeared on Big Brother, Tim has made himself out to be a cut above everyone else," he said.

"I think we can all appreciate his true qualities now."

At the time of going to Press Tim's father Neil, who is well-known in Upton-upon-Severn and also runs Neilano's restaurant in the town, was unavailable for comment.

Throughout his son's stay in the Big Brother house, which now contains only Jade, Kate, Alex and Jonny, Mr Culley has been supportive of Tim, who dyes his ginger hair.

He got on the wrong side of housemates, and viewers, early on, saying "it's about time you guys had a bit of aristocracy in the house".

He was the eighth inmate to be kicked out of the house when he emerged to boos from the crowd on Friday night.