A WIFE beater who pressed a knife against his spouse's throat and threatened to kill her after she talked about divorce has been jailed.

Three days earlier, Dominic Connell had punched his wife full in the face because he thought she had been on holiday with another man, Worcester magistrates heard.

Connell, aged 54, had been married to Barbara for 28 years before the two incidents took place in May this year.

"For the past three years, Mr Connell and his wife have had significant matrimonial problems," said Martha Recordon, defending.

"Three months earlier, he had moved into a bed-and-breakfast because of the stress of the break-up of the marriage.

"Earlier in May, Mr Connell found out his wife was going away on holiday but he did not know who with, and thought it was another man."

On Thursday, May 23, Connell, a truck driver, was drinking in a pub when he saw his wife, tanned from holiday, dancing with a man who was also tanned.

"He thought she was provoking him by dancing with another man and that was enough evidence so he approached his wife," Miss Recordon said.

"Mr Connell punched her fully in the face, causing her to fall backwards and fall down," said Kiernan Cunningham, prosecuting.

Mr Cunningham added that Connell said he had not punched his wife in the face but had "pushed a clenched fist into her cheek".

On Sunday, May 26, the pair were discussing the future of their marriage at their marital home in Ombersley Road, Worcester.

"Connell then approached her from behind, grabbing her hair and pulling her neck and head violently backwards," said Mr Cunningham.

"He pressed a knife against her neck and threatened to kill her."

Mrs Connell had tried to grab the knife and in the process received cuts to her hand and cheek.

"Immediately after, he fell to his knees and grabbed her by the legs, asking her to forgive him for his behaviour," said Miss Recordon.

Mrs Connell then asked him to buy cigarettes and later the couple had sex, the court heard.

"This is a besotted man who clearly regrets what he has done," Miss Recordon said.

"He accepts he has a drink problem and an anger problem."

The court also heard that hours before the hearing, Connell had received a letter from his wife's solicitor asking for a divorce.

Connell, who admitted assault by beating, was sentenced to four months imprisonment.