A MALVERN designer has created a revolutionary crash helmet in an attempt to reduce spine, neck and brain injuries.

Former South Bank University student Jim Doel completed his Achilles ACS (Articulation Control System) design, thanks to a £3,250 Audi Foundation grant.

The concept combines pneumatics and airbag technology within the helmet to decelerate and cushion the motorcyclist's head.

"This design will help reduce the severity or the occurrence of brain trauma and cervical spine injuries and could prevent fatal or life-changing injuries," said Mr Doel.

Audi Design Foundation manager Michael Farmer said he was delighted to help get projects such as this from the drawing board into the working prototype stage.

Young inventors throughout Britain can take advantage of more than £250,000, which the Audi Design Foundation has available this year.

For details log on to www.audi-designfoundation.org