PET walkers and cyclists are being asked to take a lead in new child safety measure in the Wyre Forest.

At the beginning of next month a one-hectare zone will be cast around the visitor centre in the Forestry Commission woodlands, near Bewdley.

Dog owners will be asked to keep their animals on a lead and bike riders will be asked to wheel their cycles until they are out on the open tracks.

"Wyre Forest is becoming ever more popular with people from right across our region looking for healthy outdoor exercise," said area forester Richard Boles.

"We need to make sure the increasing number of youngsters who come to play, walk or picnic near the visitor centre are kept as safe as possible.


"Asking cyclists not to ride in the safety zone, which can become very busy at times, is aimed at preventing children being knocked down accidentally.

"By keeping their pets under close control, people can make sure their animals do not make a mess.

"It's crucial to keep the areas where people eat their lunches and children play on the grass completely free of dog faeces.

"We all know that nothing can stop very young children popping their fingers into their mouths.

Mr Boles said that signs would be put up around the visitor centre showing people clearly how far the safety zone extended.

Anyone who would like to know about the scheme should ring 01299 266302.