COULD any of our caring councillors take a walk around the Bilford Road waste site, listen to the noise and smell the odours periodically from this site.

They could also witness the traffic chaos, especially on Saturdays when there are four lanes of traffic at times, including one on the pedestrian way.

Do we have an environmental officer who considers noise, smells and traffic pollution a dangerous hazard? Also do we have a human rights law, or does that only apply to certain groups and not the disabled residents of Dickinson Court who live next to this eyesore.

Perhaps all these people who are supposed to represent us could get together and see the situation from our point of view, who are awakened every morning at 7.30, which will include Sunday (the Sabbath) in the very near future.

Surely there is something the councils can do for us other than turning their backs.

We will never give up the fight and allow a few people to destroy the right to peaceful enjoyment of our possessions (Article 1 of Protocol No 1 to the European Convention on Human Rights).


Waste Site Action Group
