HOTELS in the two counties could be up for cash payments to help them recover from last year's foot-and-mouth crisis.

The region's development agency, Advantage West Midlands (AWM), last week announced a £1.4m grant to provide support for hotels and bed-and-breakfasts that were affected by the outbreak.

Grants of between £2,500 and £5,000 will be available to businesses in Herefordshire and Worcestershire to help them recover and give them a more secure future.

"Advantage West Midlands is committed to helping the rural economy recover from the devastating effects of last year's foot-and-mouth crisis," said Ian Baker, from AWM.

"This latest scheme is part of a £12 million programme of support from the agency."

The Tourism Accommodation Providers Support Fund has been developed in partnership with the Business Link network, with support from the Heart of England Tourist Board (HETB).

Penny Hadland, from HETB, welcomed the initiative and also the opportunity to work in partnership with AWM and Business Link.

"The focus on supporting the accommodation sector will ensure they are given practical help to allow businesses to grow and contribute to the economic health of the West Midlands region," she said.

The scheme, which also covers Shropshire, Warwickshire and Staffordshire, will be run by the Shropshire Chamber of Commerce and Business Link.

Applicants will be assessed on a first-come-first-served basis.

To qualify, businesses must have a minimum of six and a maximum of 20 bedrooms, have been operating as a business for at least two years before foot-and-mouth broke out in February 2001, and not be part of a chain.

They must also prove that business suffered a downturn of at least 20 per cent between April and September 2001.

"When businesses phone in, they will quickly be assessed to see whether they qualify and will then work with a business advisor to identify what help they need to apply for," said Mr Baker.

He said a package of help was on offer, including the upgrading of IT systems, such as booking facilities and Internet access, as well as marketing and improvements to facilities.

"Businesses can pick and choose, but they must sign up to a plan of action, including a time scale for implementation, plus skills and management development."

More information is available from Business Link Shropshire on 0800 9755355.