SHOPPERS were forced to dodge flying bottles and buckets of flowers when drunken yobs rampaged through Worcester City centre.

One man was knocked unconscious in the tea-time brawl when his head hit a metal stand on a market stall.

Another was kicked and punched by several men, while he was pinned up against a lamp post, horrified witnesses have claimed.

Market traders in Angel Place also suffered damaged stalls during the fight, which spilled out of Hoolahans Bar, in Broad Street, on Saturday.

Shop workers said they feared trouble was brewing when they heard "very loud" singing from a group of football fans around three hours before the incident.

"There was lots of chanting for Hereford United - it was very loud and frightening," said one stallholder, who asked not to be named.

"A bottle flew out of the front door of Hoolahans and then a couple of people ran out of the pub. Then another bottle was thrown down past the market stalls.

"One man was punched and his head flew back on to the bottom of the stall. He was knocked out for a couple of minutes.

"They then started picking up flower buckets from one of the stalls and began throwing them at each other."

As police arrived, staff in the BeWise shop advised customers to take shelter with them while market traders packed goods away.

"There were about eight people stood round one man and they had him pinned against a lamp post," said one shop worker.

"He was being punched and kicked. It was extremely frightening. We phoned the police and we thought customers would be safer inside the shops."

Another worker from a nearby store said he thought the police should have "nipped the problem in the bud" when the chanting first started.

Police arrested 15 people - 12 on suspicion of public disorder and violent disorder, two for affray and one for assault. All have been released on bail pending further enquiries.

Mike Stevens, chairman of the Worcestershire Licensed Victuallers Association, confirmed there was trouble inside Hoolahans.

"The police had warned us to watch out for possible trouble with Cheltenham Town fans because they were playing against Worcester City," he said.

"We were geared up for trouble, which did come, but from Hereford United fans. They had been round several bars and unfortunately it just happened to be Hoolahans where it erupted."

No one from Hoolahans was available for comment.

Police want witnesses to contact CID on 01905 723888, quoting crime reference c/606532.