A WORCESTER man shouted and swore at an ambulance crew who were trying to treat a woman in the city centre.

Peter Jenner launched the verbal attack on the two-man crew in the High Street on October 13 last year, Worcester Magistrates Court heard yesterday.

The court heard Jenner had approached ambulance workers Stuart Price and Brian Edwards as he had been assaulted by them earlier in the year at Nightingale House.

He had been promised a letter of apology from Hereford and Worcester Ambulance Service NHS Trust, but was angry as he had not received it.

When he approached the pair, they said they were frightened.

A woman who was being treated in the ambulance also said she heard swearing.

Jenner, of London Road, had denied two counts of putting people in fear of violence by using threatening and abusive behaviour, but was found guilty at a trial in June.

The court was told the single 42-year-old had a number of previous convictions, including one for criminal damage.

Mark Sheward, defending, said Jenner had approached the crew purely to find out why he had not received a letter of apology.

He had complained to the Trust after he was assaulted, and the crew was disciplined, but he was angry the police had not taken any action. He said Jenner now realised he should not have approached them.

"He is still quite angry nothing was done by the police when he made a complaint, but when they complained something was done to him."

Magistrates said Jenner showed a "total disregard" for the woman receiving treatment when he approached the crew.

They ordered him to complete a 12-month community rehabilitation order and pay £100 costs.

A spokesman for Hereford and Worcester Ambulance Service NHS Trust said: "The Trust will not tolerate verbal, threatening or physical abuse towards its staff and will continue to support staff in the prosecution of these offenders."