TWO cats that have been nursed back to health are now in need of loving homes.

Christi, a friendly tabby, and black and white Casius, described as a "bruiser with a heart of gold", are being cared for at the Danemere Pet Hotel in Tiverton.

"It would be great to find Christi a home as she has been through the mill a bit," said Pamela Booker, of the Worcester branch of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

"She was the victim of a road accident and suffered a broken back leg but has now made a remarkable recovery.

"Despite everything she is a lovely cat and gets on with people, other cats and kittens.

"We are also looking for a home for Casius who, although lives up to his name as a bit of a bruiser, he belies his looks and is very affectionate.

Ear infection

"He was abandoned by his owner when they moved house and has just recovered from an ear infection."

"We have also been inundated with kittens and would welcome anyone who is interested in giving them a home."

To contact Pamela Booker ring 01905 841354.