AN animal-loving Droitwich girl has decided to celebrate her birthday by doing a sponsored walk for the RSPCA.

Sophie Hallett who has a dog, cats, stick insects, tree frogs, fish, hamsters and a budgie decided to do the walk after seeing a moving television appeal.

To coincide with her 11th birthday, Sophie and her father Nigel will be walking 15 miles from the RSPCA in St John's, Worcester to Bromsgrove to help raise funds.

"She wanted to do the walk on her birthday, but because I was working we decided to do it the following day, "said Mr Hallett a courier for Princess of Wales Community Hospital in Bromsgrove.

"After seeing the RSPCA television appeal of dogs left on their own and cats left in dustbins she decided to do something about it.

"The money will go to our local RSPCA branch in St John's."

Mr Hallett said Sophie, who has an older sister Carla aged 12 and a younger brother Nathan, aged seven, is "very active."

"She rides her bicycle for miles," said the 37-year-old of Albert Street.

"We also walk our dog Arnie every day for two to three hours."

Sophie and her father will be doing the walk on Saturday, July 27.

Anyone wishing to sponsor Sophie should contact Mr Hallett on 07905572989.