IN supporting the legalisation of cannabis, John Hinton likes to refer to the American prohibition of alcohol.

However, the prohibition is a debatable issue, its success or failure being interpreted variously by historians.

We need to hear more arguments than this.

Mr Hinton (You Say, Friday July 12) says that "leadership rather than dogmatic compulsion is the way forward".

If something is agreed to be harmful to society, it should be stamped out by every available means.

Legislation can sometimes affect public attitudes.

A good example of this is drinking and driving, which was once socially acceptable.

Mr Hinton points out the glamour of law-breaking, but for every one individual who is attracted to smoke cannabis by the thrill, there are probably at least three put off by the thought of punishment.

Most people would not like to be arrested.

If glamourisation was a significant factor, nothing would be illegal (or should be).

