Please allow me to enlighten Mr Margrett - again (You Say, July 17).

Harry Potter's adventures are modern fairy-tales enjoyed by children and adults alike - i.e. Mr Margrett's pro-euro arguments in a nutshell.

On the same day you published Mr Margrett's latest attempt to talk the dollar down, it closed all of half-a-cent down against sterling.

On the same day the economics editor of The Times wrote that shares are being "buffeted by short-term forces that had more to do with psychology than with economic forces or investment values". On the same day there were reports about unemployment in parts of Germany - Germany, for pity's sake - reaching double figures, and riots in Italy against inflation caused directly by Italy's adoption of the euro.

But positively the final nail in Mr Margrett's coffin is his own reference to co-operation between Switzerland and Germany, from which he omits to mention that Switzerland isn't a member of the euro.

Proof, if any really were needed, that the euro is as necessary to European cooperation as a bikini to a hippopotamus.


Mortlake Avenue, Worcester