FARMERS in Herefordshire are being urged to consider planting energy crops that will bring them extra income.

United Utilities, one of Britain's leading utility companies, is looking to sign up farmers for a green project to convert energy crops into electricity.

It has teamed up with surveyor John Amos & Company, from Orleton, near Leominster, and has set up fact-finding roadshows where farmers can find out more.

The roadshows are due to take place in Leominster, on Wednesday, July 24, and in Hereford, on Tuesday, July 30.

The Government has set national targets to produce 10 per cent of electricity from renewable sources by 2010.

While some of this target will be met by wind farms and wave energy, the creation of electricity from renewable crops presents a great opportunity for agriculture.

Real benefits

"Energy crops present farmers with real benefits," said Peter Dickson, United Utilities' green energy business development manager.

"Not only are they a green fuel but they present the farming community with an extra source of income.

"We are looking for as many farmers as possible to sign up for this scheme so it is a real success - that's why we want them to attend our meetings."

To book places at the meetings, which start at 6pm, call John Amos on 01584 831 134.