FORENSIC experts were scouring a sealed-off country pub this morning after a shooting that left one man in hospital.

Neighbours heard gunfire at the Mason's Arms, between Wichenford and Martley, at around 1am.

Villagers woke to find scenes of crime officers combing the scene for clues.

Glass in the front door at the Banks's Brewery-owned pub was shattered, and so was one side window.

Police tape surrounded the pub and front garden, and uniformed officers were preventing people from entering.

A West Mercia police spokesman said that one man was in Worcestershire Royal Hospital undergoing treatment for shotgun wounds, that were not life-threatening.

Another man was in custody, at Worcester, being quizzed by police.

A shotgun and spent cartridge had been found at the scene.

"Inquiries are continuing, but it may be connected with an attempted break-in that happened shortly after 1am," the spokesman said.

Neighbour Sue Salsbury said that she had heard a burglar had been shot.

"I heard some shots in the night, but I thought it was people shooting rabbits. It was probably around 1am.

"It's not what you expect. It's such a quiet place and it's a very quiet pub" said Mrs Salsbury.

One passer-by said she was shocked by the scene.

"I'd expect this to happen in the middle of Birmingham, but not here. It's just a quiet place. This is the last place I'd expect anything like this to happen at all. I'm very shocked," said the woman, who did not want to be named.