A KIDDERMINSTER man fell down stairs in his home and collapsed in the living room.

An inquest heard that police found 60-year-old Kenneth Williams dead on the floor of his living room in sheltered accommodation, two days after he had last been seen.

Worcestershire coroner Victor Round told the inquest at County Hall yesterday that he was known to be a drinker.

"He had cirrhosis of the liver, indicating long-term alcohol use," said Mr Round. "It also makes you bleed more easily.

"The pathologist who visited his home said there was recent blood smearing on the wall in the hallway. There was also blood on the floor, the staircase was steep and the carpet insecure. There was head-hair in the blood.

"It's consistent with someone falling down the stairs and rubbing blood on the wall."

The court heard that police had reason to be concerned at Mr Williams' death, explaining the presence of a Home Office pathologist.

"There had been a number of burglaries in the area," Mr Round read from a statement given by Det Insp Adrian Todd, of Kidderminster police.

"He may have had some cash on the premises. Although there was no sign of a burglary, we wanted to make sure."

Mr Williams, of Broad Street, died from an acute head injury and fractured skull. He also had a broken rib, consistent with a fall.

Mr Round said he believed Mr Williams had fallen from the stairs, managed to get up, but collapsed in the living room. He recorded a verdict of accidental death.