THE number of physical and verbal attacks on staff at the Alexandra Hospital has led to the launch of a tough zero tolerance policy.

There were 40 physical and 29 verbal assaults on staff between October and May - with most happening on the wards.

Abusive patients will be banned from the site for a year under the new football-style booking system and the hospital is also pledging to prosecute troublemakers.

The policy will begin with patients receiving a 'quiet word' from staff but if they do not behave, they will be given an informal warning.

If the patient continues to be abusive, a formal yellow card will be issued before a red card is handed out - banning the patient from the hospital and grounds for a year.

Staff are now being encouraged to report every incident.

Out of 40 physical assaults, 31 were in the wards, five in A&E and four in the grounds and car park.

Of the 29 verbal, 13 were in wards, five in A&E, two in the grounds and car park and nine happened elsewhere.