TWO more residents have come before magistrates after being found guilty of fraudulently claiming benefits.

Marlon Shirley, of Church Hill, appeared for sentencing following the preparation of a pre-sentence report.

He had fraudulently claimed incapacity, housing and council tax benefits for more than 20 months while working for two employers.

Magistrates had previously warned Shirley a custodial sentence was being considered but after hearing the evidence and the report, a two-year community rehabilitation order was imposed.

He was also ordered to pay compensation on the benefit overpaid and £300 in costs.

Sandra Williams of Lakeside, appeared for failing to declare her son was living with her in her home.

Investigators found her son was working in a factory, which meant he was expected to make a contribution towards rent and council tax.

Williams was given a 12 month conditional discharge, ordered to pay compensation on the housing benefit overpayment and £100 towards the council's costs.