A man trying to get a business loan from the Prince's Trust faces a jail sentence for a stash of herbal cannabis found in his car by police.

Also discovered in Russell Chew's Astra was £1,000 cash and a telescopic baton, Worcester Crown Court heard.

A jury convicted him of possession of drugs with intent to supply and possession of an offensive weapon.

Judge Andrew Geddes told 22-year-old Chew, of Langley Close, Redditch, he had been convicted of serious offences and would be going to jail.

The judge allowed him bail while a pre-sentence report is prepared after hearing he had an interview next week with the Prince's Trust.

Police became suspicious of Chew's car on November 28 last year and followed it to his home address.

When officers got out to speak to him, Chew ran off and was chased around his home before vanishing inside. He emerged after negotiations and was arrested, said Antonie Muller, prosecuting.

The cash was in the glove box and 707 grammes of the drug was in a rucksack inside two plastic bags which had Chew's fingerprints on them. The baton was down the side of the rear seat.

The defendant claimed he knew nothing about the drugs or the baton but said he had given a number of people lifts that day.

He maintained the cash was connected with the sale of the Astra. He had a previous conviction for being a passenger in a stolen car.