TEETHING problems at Studley's new leisure centre are unacceptable, according to Stratford Council's Leisure Services manager.

Neil Anderson said he was 'very unhappy' the £1.4 million pool and sports hall, which opened only this year, would need extra work to fix faulty tiles and flooring.

Last week, the sports hall had to be closed for a day-and-a-half while work was carried out on the lights after a grill fell from one of them. Nobody was in the hall at the time.

Mr Anderson said: 'The flooring in the hall is coming up around the edges and we've got tiles coming off the walls in the pool.

'This is not ideal at all and we're very, very unhappy. When you spend that kind of money on a new building you want it done properly and there's no excuse."

Mr Anderson said Stratford Council was investigating which contractors or sub-contractors were responsible for the work but he did not know when it would be fixed.