CHILDREN'S television favourite Brian Cant directs and stars in a new adaptation of classic adventure story The Railway Children at Malvern Theatres next month.

When their beloved father mysteriously disappears, Roberta, Phyllis and James have to leave their comfortable and happy London home for a small cottage in the country.

Desperately missing their father and their previous way of life, the children seek solace in the nearby railway station, making friends and having adventures.

The tale is played out on a storybook set encompassing the railway station, tunnel, bridge, embankment and the children's new home Three Chimneys.

Also starring is Max Bygraves's niece, Daniella, who plays Roberta, Nick Wilton, from Playaway and Carrot's Lib, as Perks the Porter and Crossroads star Glenda McMorrough as mother.

The Railway Children runs at Festival Theatre from Tuesday, August 13, until Saturday, August 17.

Performances are at 7pm with Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday matinees at 2.30pm.

Tickets cost £7.50-£12.50 or £36 for a family of four from the box office on 01684 892277.