DEAR EDITOR - Every year we say that Bromsgrove Carnival will be "bigger and better" and so far this has proved the case. This year, however, with our new two-day event, things proved to be much bigger and much better.

Here are just a few words of thanks to all those who have given so much time and effort to this year's event - to Chris Ferminger, who once again did a wonderful job in organising the Elizabethan Street Market on behalf of the Court Leet, and to Mark Graham - helped by many others - who organised the procession.

To North East Worcestershire College and their uniformed public services for providing much needed marshals, as well as the Redditch and Bromsgrove Athletics Club, and to Weavers for supplying the barriers and signs.

Also to everyone else who helped out on the day to make sure the procession went without a hitch.

The effort put into the making of the floats themselves was brilliant - many, many thanks for all your hard work and effort. Once again it was great to see all the smiling faces that lined the way. The enthusiasm by those that took part was plain to see and many thanks must go to them for all their efforts, which created such a carnival atmosphere throughout the town.

I must add here a big thank you to all the drivers that gave up their time to manoeuvre the floats so carefully, and well done to all involved in the gala, the stalls and the events in Sanders Park.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the following people in no particular order:- all the High Street traders who put up with us so well; Clark's Motors who sponsored the procession and supplied the cars for the dignitaries; Regal Garage for the lead car in the procession; and St John's Ambulance; and of course all the members of the council and the workers whose efforts could not go without a mention as they are first on the scene to set things up and last on the scene to take things down and clear away.

Finally, to the people of Bromsgrove who turned out, whether you threw a penny or a pound, for supporting us so generously - thank you.

Jeff Evans,

chairman - Bromsgrove Hospital Carnival Committee.