DEAR EDITOR - I write in reference to a highly toxic and dangerous plant that over the last several years has increased alarmingly country wide.

Prior to this it was classified as a noxious weed and landowners had a duty to control it. A change of policy has meant that this is no longer the case and so the tall yellow daisy-like weed has spread alarmingly.

There are currently vast swathes of this plant growing on verges, fields and waste ground in the Bromsgrove, Redditch, and Droitwich areas.

Ingestion of the ragwort plant (in any state, or amount) will result in the absorption of toxins which pass to the liver and causes irreversible liver damage, brain damage, blindness, lethargy, and weight loss etc.

The plant is particularly dangerous to grazing animals such as sheep, cattle and horses. The plant is also highly toxic to humans as the toxins will be absorbed through the skin, so it should never be pulled out with bare hands.

The consequences of our children coming into contact with it when playing are horrendous as the toxins build up in the body and the damage is irreversible.

I am asking that the local councils - Droitwich, Redditch and Bromsgrove take action to destroy this dangerous plant and I quote the Environmental Protection Act 1990 Part 111 and The Town and Country Planning Act Section 215.

Jaqi Freeman,

Birmingham Road,

Lydiate Ash.