DEAR EDITOR - In 1831 the surface of the Old Birmingham Road was unable to cope with the volume of traffic which included 15 stage coaches daily.

Work was started on the new road, now the A38, and the 'heavy' traffic was re-routed.

The Old Birmingham Road is now under a similar threat, but this time, from heavy wagons en route to the Marlbrook tip.

I have just counted seven in the space of ten minutes.

When, once again, the surface breaks up, who will be paying for the repair?

The contractor?

No - the residents through their taxes and inconvenience.

I do not know whether the horse-drawn coaches had a speed limit to observe. The drivers of these heavy wagons do not seem to realise that they have.

Maybe they are too high up in their cabs to have noticed the large '30' painted on the road just below the tip, and to realise that this zone ends at the motorway island.

The lorries are a hazard and a danger to the users of this road. Will someone please do something about the situation before there is a serious accident.

Sheila Collins,

Old Birmingham Road,
