TEAM mates of a Bromsgrove footballer who died last year have staged the second annual charity football tournament in his memory.

Stuart Thompson died last April from a rare condition, which affects just one in 30,000 people, during a routine operation.

Stuart, who played football for the Turk's Head, suffered a cardiac arrest triggered by a reaction to anaesthetic while undergoing an appendix operation.

He would have become a father for the second time last September.

Last Saturday, eight teams competed in an 11-a-side tournament at the Rylands Youth Centre, in New Road, to raise money for the Stuart Thompson Memorial Fund to help underprivileged sportsmen and women in Bromsgrove.

Known as Scooby, Stuart played football for most of the teams during his life and was friends with many of the players.

The top two teams contested the final 24 hours later at Bromsgrove Rovers Football Club.

A trophy was presented to the winning team and a commemorative plate went to the runners-up.