THE Government has embarked on an Energy Review to consider the options for meeting the UK's needs over the next 50 years, and is keen to see public debate on the issues.

Concerned over the need to meet the country's obligations to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and combat global warming, the Government appears once again to be giving a green light to the construction of more nuclear power stations.

Nuclear power is costly, heavily subsidised, vulnerable to terrorism and creates lethal waste for which there is no solution, and which will threaten ourselves and future generations for millions of years in the future.

If, like me, you would rather see this country turn away from the nuclear option and lead the world in the development of clean, green, renewable technologies such as off-shore wind and solar power, now is the time to engage in the debate.

Let your MP know how you feel and write to The Rt Hon Patricia Hewitt, MP, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, Dept of Trade and Industry, 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ET.


Bath Road,
