CONCERNS about the growing number of feathered friends in Bromsgrove have been allayed by a pigeon expert who visited the town yesterday (Tuesday).

Bromsgrove District Council called in Guy Merchant, founder of the Pigeon Control Advisory Service (PICAS), to reassess the number of pigeons in the High Street - following a report in the Advertiser/Messenger.

We highlighted the case of Celia Wilson, of Shaw Lane, Stoke Prior, who is scared of the birds and believes the population is out of control.

However, Mr Merchant held a count yesterday morning and said while the town has a healthy pigeon population, the flock does not present a problem and can easily be controlled by taking simple and humane steps.

District council environmental health officer Ian Grove said Mr Merchant counted 42 pigeons and estimated the population was around 75.

"He discovered several roosts and we will now be speaking to traders about preventing birds from nesting above premises.

"Mr Merchant commented on how clean the area was and we plan to remind shoppers and traders not to feed the pigeons because this encourages them to breed more frequently," added Mr Grove.

The officer said that since Mrs Wilson featured in the Advertiser/Messenger, he has received two letters complaining about pigeon numbers and three saying the birds add to the town's atmosphere.

PICAS is a charitable organisation formed almost three years ago which advises on all aspects of non-lethal bird control but specialising in the control of pigeons.

Mr Merchant only charges expenses for his visits.