LONG suffering Barnt Green residents, whose homes regularly become awash with raw sewage after heavy rain, say they fear the worst when houses on a proposed new estate nearby are connected to the inadequate drains system.

After a heavy storm on Friday, Jan Southall, from Fiery Hill Road, said raw sewage was pumping up through a manhole outside her home "like three fountains."

It formed a huge lake at the bottom of the road, which in turn overflowed into Bittell Road as far as Bittell Lane.

"Pedestrians were being showered from the wheels of passing vehicles and the stench was absolutely awful," she said.

Two calls to Severn Trent Water failed to get a response but workmen did turn up late on Saturday afternoon after Mrs Southall had contacted health officials at Bromsgrove District Council.

They inspected the manhole and hosed down the road and a neighbour's lawn, which was covered in sewage she added.

She said similar sewage floods have occurred three times this year and she and her neighbours are worried about the effects a proposed controversial 250 home estate on their doorsteps, which is being vigorously opposed by residents, will have.

"If the sewerage system cannot cope with present demands put on it how is it going to cope when more than 200 additional homes are connected to it?" asked Jan.

Steve Hodgson, for Severn Trent, commented that the weekend incident had resulted from a blocked pipe which had caused similar problems twice before.

An investigation on the pipes in question will be carried out by the water company, he added.