AN unknown Clent vigilante fed up with cars clogging village footpaths has been posting fake police 'tickets' on vehicles telling motorists to report to Hagley Police Station.

Hagley beat bobby Pc Chris Lord warned villagers at a Clent Parish Council meeting not to be duped by the notices which have been placed on cars parking partly on the pavements in the St Leonard's Square area.

He said one unsuspecting motorist had walked into the police station with his driving documents after finding the 'ticket', featuring a photocopy of the West Midlands Police logo, rather than the correct West Mercia emblem.

And another had telephoned the station to check if it was genuine.

The note reads: "Your vehicle registration has been noted and recorded.

"Report with your vehicle documents to Pc Chris Lord at the Hagley Police Station. Ref: parking on and therefore causing an obstruction on the public footpath."

Pc Lord said cars often park with two wheels on the footpath by the church but there is "a lot of give and take" as lanes are narrow and parking on the road would cause traffic problems.

He added: "It's causing people inconvenience as they're thinking these 'tickets' are genuine and bringing their documents in to us.

"If it is a genuine police ticket then it will look genuine. It will have the West Mercia logo on it."

He urged villagers in any doubt about the validity of parking tickets to call Kidderminster Police on 01562 820888.