HUNDREDS of Rubery residents could be missing out on acres of recreation land near the village centre because they do not know it's open to the public.

Bromsgrove District Council owns two fields off Whetty Lane which have been open to parishioners for two years.

However, many villagers are not aware the rolling green acres can be used and calls have been made to signpost the site - and even make it part of a country park.

The district council successfully fought a long legal battle with a local farmer some years ago over rights for the land and in recent months more than 3,000 trees have been planted by the authority and Worcestershire County Council to create a community woodland.

District councillor Peter McDonald (Lab - Uffdown and Waseley) says many residents do not know they can take a stroll across the fields, which are opposite the site of the former Plough pub - now a housing development site.

He believes the council needs to add benches, bins, a proper entrance and a signpost to encourage more folk to make the most of the beauty spot.

Cllr McDonald even suggested it became part of the neighbouring Waseley or Lickey Hills country parks.

His advice to residents was: "Use it or lose it. We have rights to the land so enjoy this amenity."

Bromsgrove's park and recreation development manager Rob Heard said: "It's open for people to use and forms a pleasant backdrop to Rubery.

"We are phasing in further improvements once the trees start to mature. A small part of the land does still remain in the ownership of a farmer."