SHOPPERS can enjoy a taste of the countryside and 'all that jazz' when the village hosts its first ever farmers' market.

Rural traders will be flocking to the parish this Saturday after the initiative was given the green light by shopkeepers and Bromsgrove district councillors.

A jazz band has been lined up to serenade shoppers around the stalls.

Similar Saturday markets in Bromsgrove have proved a hit and a survey among Rubery businesses showed a large majority in favour of the scheme.

It was also backed by a spontaneous show of hands at the Rubery Spotlight meeting earlier this month.

About 12 farmers will set up shop in the village's central car park, beside the police station in New Road, from 9am.

At the inaugural get-together stallholders will sell fresh vegetables, meat, eggs, cheese, bread and cakes, plants and shrubs - and possibly country wines.

The New Georgia Jazz Band will provide a carnival atmosphere between 10.30am and 3pm and a pig roast is planned.

Rubery is the latest addition to around 400 farmers' markets in the UK.

The district council's economic development officer, Peter Michael, said the events add fun and excitement to a shopping centre and bring more trade in for existing businesses.

His enthusiasm was echoed by the Rubery Village Business Association chairman, John Horwood.

"We need something to put Rubery on the map and attract people from a wider area. They'll soon see what a lot we have got to offer," he said.

The market will run on the fourth Saturday of each month.

