By Helen Clarke

AFTER months of planning and fund-raising, students from Alcester Grammar School have set off on the expedition of a lifetime.

Twelve pupils left to take part in a month-long expedition to Namibia on Saturday.

The youngsters will be accompanied by a teacher and an expedition leader appointed by organisers World Challenge.

The expedition will immerse students in the culture of Namibia and will encourage them to develop their leadership, teambuilding, communication and organisational skills.

During the 20 months leading up to the departure, the students have been busy raising funds to cover the £2,500 costs they each need for the expedition with events such as carol singing, marathon car washes and sponsored head shaves.

On arrival in Windhoek, the students will have a day to acclimatise to their new environment before they travel to their project work.

They will be in charge of buying provisions from local markets and organising in-country travel and accommodation.

The students will spend two weeks at a school, helping with teaching and improving facilities.

After the project work, the team will travel to Etosha National Park for a few days of rest and relaxation.

They will then travel to the sand dunes on the west coast and complete a series of treks in the area.

They will then proceed to the south coast and trek in the Fish River Canyon for five days, walking 20 km a day.

Any last minute offers of sponsorship can be made by contacting