A BRAVE mother and daughter battled with armed robbers who raided their Lakeside shop on Thursday night.

Three men, one carrying a gun, broke into the living quarters above Gentry's Store, Farm Road, to gain access to the shop at about 10.30pm.

Shopkeeper Pam Price was in the office and her daughter, Lindsey, was in the main store.

Miss Price, 24, said: "Before I could press the panic button, I had this man on me.

"He grabbed my shoulder, pulled me to the floor and told me to turn around and look up. There was another bloke standing in front of the counter pointing a gun at me."

She added: "The man who was holding me down had a ball in a sock - I think it was a cricket ball. He starting hitting me over the head with it."

While she was subjected to the terrifying attack, Mrs Price, 52, was in the office struggling with another raider who was demanding to know where the safe was.

Mrs Price, who suffered bruising, said: "I tried to keep him in the corner of the office because he would be in view of a store camera.

"I was trying to set the alarm off too but he kept holding my arm back.

"I stood my ground as I was not letting him into the main shop where Lindsey was."

Meanwhile, Miss Price - determined not to let the robbers take her hard-earned money - said: "I guessed the man would go for the money in the till because it was open. I got to my knees, slapped the till drawer shut and dived for the panic button."

The three men fled with only a little cash but were promptly chased in their car by two neighbours who had been alerted to the drama.

The chase ended when the raiders pointed the gun at their pursuers.

Miss Price was taken to hospital for head X-rays and a check up before being discharged.

Police are appealing for anyone with information to call DC Di Knight or DC Steve Dale on 584888 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

The raiders' getaway car had been parked in Sillins Avenue.

Police are particularly keen to speak to anyone who saw a car being driven suspiciously around the area at the time.