Two star

HAVING heard Claire sing on Celebrity Big Brother, I was confident that although there would inevitably be a high proportion of covers in this collection of favourite songs they would, nonetheless be sung with earthiness and guts. Sadly, for the most part, they are not.

The deep voice that stood out against Anthea Turner and Jack Dee now sounds just likeable and pleasing, but nothing extraordinary. Her pitch is now much higher, making her voice match her image - girl next door who has let rip with the window open.

The album starts off well enough with a feisty When You Believe but it goes on far too long, shaking the beliefs of even the keenest fan.

The dullness continues until the quite irksome version of done-to-death Light My Fire, which offers not only nothing new but the realisation that the album is still not even half over.

Other horrors include My Heart Will Go On from Titanic, What If, as sung by Kate Winslett and Barbra Streisand's Evergreen, - the latter's only saving grace being that it is not Will Young's Evergreen.