
Break-a-Leg Theatre Group

THE annual Break-a-Leg Cabaret took place at Bridley Moor High School to packed audiences once again.

For four nights in a row, youthful enthusiasm bounded out onto the stage to entertain as only the young know how.

Song and dance routines interspersed with personal reflections on their time at Break-a-Leg from older members as well as one or two reminders to the audience to play attention were all part of the show.

There was no getting away from it, we had no alternative but to enjoy ourselves.

The cast were well supported as usual by Break-a-Leg founders Jo and Barnaby Hiles, and their band of supporters.

The last night - which was also the last public performance at the soon to be closed Bridley Moor School - also saw the launch of the Break-a-Leg Building Fund, so the group can have their own theatre.

So look out for forthcoming shows and fund-raising events so you too can support this group - rest assured you will have fun and your support will not go amiss.

Jane Maries