I READ with interest the letter from Chief Supt Lord of Redditch police (Advertiser, July 17). I was dismayed by its tone - Ms Lord is obviously angry in her response.

The public are confused by the constant barrage of "partnerships" and "other agencies" comments we regularly get from police in the press.

The thing is, the average person does not understand how crime and public order is addressed these days - the letter of July 10 is a case in point.

Most people still see the police as the "agency" which upholds law and order.

It is police reassurance the public is seeking, something which sadly, was not forthcoming in Ms Lord's letter.

To make comments about the public not listening is misplaced.

It is clear the police refuse to listen to the public on such issues and, apparently, do not now see themselves as at the forefront of the fight against crime and disorder.

It seems "other agencies" such as bus companies carry an equal responsibility.

People can be persuaded other agencies have a part to play but most, if not all, also believe the police should take the lead.

The police, probably in truth, do but the attitude of Ms Lord did nothing to reassure your readers.

Comments about glasses being full/empty are completely unhelpful and just confirm that people in such authority should take a step back and think about the message they are trying to pass on.

Ms Lord herself has reacted in an uninformed and hysterical way.

Brian Osborne

Evesham Road

Headless Cross