RE your story relating to the planning application for land off Foxlydiate Lane, Webheath (Advertiser, July 17).

You state the average speed of vehicles along this lane was quoted as being 30 mph or less.

I was at that meeting and can say at first hand what questions were asked as regards the speed of traffic.

A member of the planning committee stated the average speed was as you quoted but when asked when the traffic survey was carried out, we were told that it was done 'for a couple of hours one afternoon last week'.

What sort of traffic survey is that? A proper survey should be carried out over a longer period and should cover the periods of commuter times, school leaving times, weekends and all other busy times.

Large numbers of vehicles use this narrow lane, mainly vehicles from the new housing estate on Church Road, Webheath.

The speed of some of the cars is well in excess of 50mph at times.

There is no footpath at various points so pedestrians are in particular danger, especially when on-road parking causes an even greater hazard.

The junction of Grazing Lane a little further along Foxlydiate Lane was closed at the request of the police in March 2001 due to the large number of accidents that were taking place, but if planning permission is granted at the proposed site, it will merely reintroduce an accident blackspot.

Also, if planning permission is granted, I hope that the members of the committee are prepared to face up to their consciences when a fatal accident happens, as it surely will do with the lane in its present condition.

P Humphreys

Brotherton Avenue
