TO anyone who uses the road system in Redditch and is thus familiar with the never-ending series of obstructions placed deliberately on the highway, it would have come as no surprise to learn that the 'temporary' road closures of Unicorn Hill and Church Green West are now to be made permanent (Advertiser, July 10).

Not by common consent of the majority of Redditch road users nor by the agreement of the car owners who pay most towards the upkeep of roads; they were not consulted.

Highways manager Jim Casey has apparently been given a free hand to wander about town with subservient note-takers and is responsible for the new growth industry of painting distracting instructions on our road surfaces.

Three-dimensional variations have been introduced in places such as Easemore Road, where a series of strange humps can hardly be said to be traffic calming - quite the opposite in fact.

Apparently, Mount Pleasant will be the next area over which Mr Casey will be casting an eye and he has already dreamed up an elaborate scenario to justify his intention to close Ipsley Street.

Perhaps it is high time we took note of his activities.

Maurice Clarke

Mason Close

Headless Cross