I WRITE in reply to Perwaiz Khawaja's letter (Advertiser, July 10).

The problem with integration in this country at present is that it is all one-sided. Native Britons always have to be seen to do all of the integrating.

We have to welcome all other communities and accept their traditions but any sign of British patriotism can only been seen in one light - racism.

Mr Khawaja thinks it is foolish to cling to the past but our past is our future. I hope he will agree we have much to learn from our history and surely the wish to name the road Jinnah is an attempt by the Muslim community to cling to their own past.

A great deal of this so-called foolishness is the fault of organisations such as Redditch Council, whose neglect of events such as the Queen's Golden Jubilee has been woeful. The response nationwide to this event showed how important it was to the British people.

We need to remember other communities must also be seen to be integrating with the people of this land.

A good example of this would be to observe how well the Indian community has become integrated into modern society.

The council should be seen to do more to promote British culture.

I would also like to take the opportunity to thank the Scottish person for his input.

Nick Casterton
