BEING confronted by a large policeman when helping her mother with the poppy collection - at the illegal age of nine - did not deter Sheila Lifford and a visit to the Legion village to see disabled ex-servicemen making poppies further confirmed her belief in the cause.

At 14, she made her first authorised collection at the dockyard gates and raised £10.2d - a not inconsiderable sum for 1947.

Her 55 years of collecting were recognised by the Legion at a special awards ceremony held by the Inkberrow and Rous Lench branch on July 10 at the Sports Pavilion, Inkberrow.

Mrs Lifford was presented with a certificate of appreciation for 10 years collecting, a brooch to mark 15 years, a merit brooch for 25 years' service and a medal and bars for the 55 years she has devoted to the cause.

A 'full set' of county officers attended, including county chairman Ken Draper and Mrs Mary Joy, for many years county poppy organiser, who congratulated Miss Nancy Reynolds, the local organiser, for her dedication, saying the area collection had increased every year since she had taken over.

Other officers present were Mrs Hannon, county secretary; Mr Hannon, county poppy organiser; Mr John Kimberly, one-time county chairman, and Mr and Mrs Hartley Woolley, county field officer and his assistant.

Mr Draper said £300,000 was collected in the county, of which £3,000 came from the local branch.

Branch chairman Phil Laight thanked everyone for their contributions to the event, especially Miss Reynolds, who had been instrumental in the organisation; Mrs Betty Wilkes for the refreshments; the bowling club for the use of the Pavilion and for manning the bar; Rod Tallboys for acting as official photographer and those members who staged a most successful raffle.

Miss Reynolds spoke of her appreciation of the work of the collectors, saying that last year 49 boxes were distributed and a total of £3,633 was raised.

Certificates of appreciation for 10 years' service as collectors were presented by the county chairman to: Seth Bray (Feckenham); Mr and Mrs Cresswell (Bradley Green); Mrs Adele Davies (Holberrow Green); Mrs Marjorie Dudley, in appreciation of the coffee mornings she hosts for the appeal; Mrs Hazel Grainger; Bill Gregg (branch president); Mrs Harwood (Abbots Morton); Mrs Marjorie Hill (Dormston).

Mrs Sue Hill; Mrs Anne Holloway (Church Lench); Mrs Rosemary Kennedy (Inkberrow Post Office); Fred Hulse (Radford); Dr S Paton (Inkberrow Surgery); Mrs Barbara Perrins (Abberton); Mrs Sue Savage; Mrs Helen Wilkes.

The Bulls Head, Inkberrow; The Lenches Club; The Wheelbarrow & Castle, Radford; The Boot Inn, Flyford Flavel; The Alcester Road Service Station; The Worcestershire Hunt; The Lygon Arms, Feckenham and Flyford Flavel School.