YOUTH group Angels in Exile have been given £350 by St Peter's Parish Council.

Members voted unanimously to grant the cash and support future grant applications.

The youth group hit the headlines recently for setting up skateboard parks at the YMCA, in Henwick Road, and Worcester Baptist Church, in Sansome Walk, during the summer holidays.

Angels in Exile takes its ramps to the Timberdine pub car park, at the Bath Road end of St Peter's Drive, every Monday from 7pm till 8.45pm.

It visits Worcester Baptist Church every Saturday for two hours from 10.30am.

The Rev Simon Douglas, a youth worker with the group, had asked the council for £1,952.

"We have 15 to 20 youngsters an evening," he told St Peter's Parish Council meeting.

"However, this money will reduce our overheads considerably."

n The Rev Simon Douglas, of youth group Angels in Exile, which has been granted £350 for its skateboarding parks.