WORCESTER people are being urged by police to take simple steps to keep their homes safe from burglars during the summer.

They say most burglaries are committed because opportunist thieves see a door or window open.

Although a home does not need to be a fortress to be safe, a few simple steps can help it remain safe.

"By protecting our homes and making them look less attractive to burglars, we can prevent a lot of burglaries from happening," said crime risk manager PC Mike Stephenson.

"Burglar alarms are a very good deterrent. They make people aware that there's a disturbance and make burglars think twice as they're visible and attract a lot of attention."

Some of the steps can be as simple as making sure windows have a lock visible.

When people leave their homes unattended, they are advised to lock all windows and doors, as a thief can climb through any gap larger than a human head.

People should never leave a spare key under a flowerpot or a mat, either.

"Lighting's very important, as a house in complete darkness is more attractive than one with lights on," said PC Stephenson.

"A high fence or wall can deter a burglar as it limits them gaining entry to the rear entry of the house.

"However, make sure the front of the house can be seen so that passers-by could spot a burglar in action.

"Burglars like easy opportunities, so protect your homes and make sure you secure them before going out."