LONG-serving St John Ambulance volunteer, Angela Tidmarsh, of Farleigh Road, Pershore, has been honoured by the organisation.

At a special ceremony in the historic Grand Priory Church, Clerkenwell, London, last Friday, Mrs Tidmarsh was invested as a member of the Order of St John, admitted as a Serving Sister and presented with the Insignia by the Prior of the Order of St John, Lord Slynn, of Hadley.

Each award has been approved by the Queen, Sovereign Head of the Order.

Mrs Tidmarsh has been a volunteer for St John Ambulance for 24 years, and Lord Slynn said: "The honour recognises dedicated and exceptional voluntary service in he Order's charitable foundations."

Mrs Tidmarsh said: "It was a super day. I am proud for myself, my family and the Pershore Division of St John, knowing how much work goes into it."

She added: "It was nice to visit the headquarters as I had never been there before."

One of Mrs Tidmarsh's big successes is the Blossom Bike Ride she organises and which this year raised a record £1,800 for the Pershore Division of St John.

Founded in the 11th Century, the British Order of St John comprises two foundations, St John Ambulance and the St John Eye Hospital in Jerusalem.