AIR conditioning is being fitted at the Everyman Theatre in Cheltenham just in time for the sizzling summer.

The installation of a £200,000 air conditioning system began on Monday and has forced the temporary closure of the theatre bars and foyers, while the Box Office, currently located in one of the foyers, has been moved next to the stage door.

The fitting of the system, which has been achieved with funds raised from the theatre's Sponsor a Seat campaign, will probably come as a relief to regular theatregoers who have noted how hot the auditorium can get during performances.

Chief Executive Philip Bernays said: "Audiences have often commented on how warm the theatre becomes during performances. This will be a thing of the past once the system is installed. Every one of our 670 seats will feel the difference the system makes and our customers will find it much more comfortable.

The work will be completed by September 9, when Fame opens.