YOUNGSTERS are being offered the opportunity at The Theatre, Chipping Norton, to craft performances under the guidance of talented leaders and assistants.

They have been invited to explore a world between pictures, people, stage and screen in a "summer scheme."

Community and education at The Theatre has always sought to provide opportunities to find out more about events on the main stage or in the gallery.

Rupert Rowbotham, community and education officer, said: "The summer scheme is about so many things, learning drama, making friends, working with others, and coming up with idea. But mainly it's about putting it all together to create your own show on The Theatre's stage at 6.30pm each Friday, with lights, sound and a friendly audience."

From August 5 to 9 Which Way's Up? for 13-16 year olds is led by professional theatre company Momo Theatre with exercises, improvisations, brainstorming, mask work and a few circus skills to make both performers and audiences laugh.

Momo Theatre takes its inspiration from cartoons, comedians, clowns and vaudeville to produce an upbeat, off-beat style.

Eight to 12 year olds are catered for in All That Glisters... from next Monday to August 2 and August 12-16. The youngsters are invited to join he talents of Paul Murray, Pippa Philips and Suzi Segura to construct a story, dialogue, fable or plot to explore the open and hidden world of things that glister that are made of gold or things that gleam and aren't.

All the courses are well attended but there are still spaces for 13 to 16 year olds. For further details contact the box office on 01608 642350.